From Artsy, Julie Mehretu to create facade work for Obama Presidential Center.

Uprising of the Sun spans 83 feet by 25 feet and features 35 painted glass panels. This installation is directly inspired by Obama’s speech in 2015 commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Selma marches in Alabama—a key moment in the civil rights movement. In fact, Mehretu initially started this work with an image of Obama and the late U.S. representative John Lewis crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma during the anniversary in 2015. She manipulated this image using various digital mapping and design tools while adding elements from Robert Seldon Duncanson’s Land of the Lotus Eaters (1861) and Jacob Lawrence’s screenprint Confrontation on the Bridge (1975). Another inspiration is Ethiopian artist Afewerk Tekle’s giant stained-glass window in Africa Hall in Addis Ababa, where the artist was born.

I absolutely love her work, and I’m very excited to see this once it’s complete. Here’s a rendering:

Merhretu Uprising of the Sun