ASCII nostalgia

Last week I talked about how the ā€˜netā€™s nature of instant publishing is the perfect platform for navel-gazing (where we are now) and prognosticating (where are we going). My friend Sarah responded that the third category should be nostalgia, or where weā€™ve been. Iā€™m in a nostalgia phase.

Iā€™ve been playing on this network for about three years now. Which doesnā€™t seem like very long, but in ā€œInternet-yearsā€ (where time is very wide) itā€™s a long, long time. Three years ago, there was no web. Netscape didnā€™t exist, Mosaic was just a glint in Andreesenā€™s eye. There were no background images, no ad banners, no jpegs. Just ASCII. Lots and lots of ASCII.

When I first logged on, I dove into The Well at 2400 baud. Email, gopher, usenet, the beast that is picospan (the Wellā€™s conferencing system), MUDs, etc. All in glorious ASCII text. Black on white. When I upgraded my modem to 9600 baud I thought it couldnā€™t get any better! When all youā€™re looking at is text, thereā€™s not much need for anything faster.

Iā€™ve been riding a nostalgia wave lately. Yes, I surf, yes at 28.8 or sometimes T1 speeds at work. And yes, Iā€™m devoted fan of c net, suck, Hotwired, Urban Desires, etc., etc., etc. And yes, Iā€™m excited about Java. But lately Iā€™m getting the most out of the ā€˜net by reading mail and usenet news via the palmtop at 2400 baud. When it comes right down to it, the webā€™s background images, Java animations and floating jpegs are all just eye candy. All Iā€™m looking for is the ASCII.
Originally published on Stating the Obvious.