I've been blogging (sometimes regularly, sometimes irregularly) since 1995. I started at a site called Stating the Obvious (, and then at, and then for a while at, and then at Medium. I'm slowly migrating things from those old sites to here, just to have them all in one place. There are currently 1,928 posts archived here, for a total of roughly 314,000 words.
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
Everything is delicately interconnected /
Greg Allen on Rothko provenance /
Anna Wiener on Rivendell /
CAH v. Space X /
Day Night Day /
Dynomight on consciousness /
Questions and Answers /
And this is what's happening in our country. /
Wanted: editor. /
David Allen Green on the Swift endorsement /
Julie Mehretu's Uprising of the Sun /
Rex Woodbury on the Egg Theory /
Heather Cox Richardson's summary of last night /
github had taste /
michael lopp and kieran healy on founder mode /
unicorn mountain /
George Saunders on boiling water /
kieran healy on the institutionalization of mass shootings /
ok computer, but everything in his voice /
ezra and jia /
nim on xoxo /
departure mono /
filtered for notion /
decade by decade /
filtered for founder mode /
filtered for leaves /
recommended: biography of x /
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
November 2022
October 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
links for june 28, 2022 /
links for june 27, 2022 /
links for june 21, 2022 /
even if it's fake it's real, tom cruise edition /
links for june 17, 2022 /
links for june 16, 2022 /
links for june 15, 2022 /
links for june 9, 2022 /
links for june 8, 2022 /
links for june 7, 2022 /
it's LEGO all the way down /
April 2022
March 2022
October 2021
September 2021
August 2021
May 2021
January 2017
October 2015
October 2014
September 2014
August 2014
June 2014
May 2014
March 2014
February 2014
August 2013
January 2013
May 2012
March 2012
February 2012
January 2012
December 2011
November 2011
October 2011
August 2011
vote for my panel /
where the fish are /
cultural invention, play and excitement /
cosmopolis fan art /
charlotte's web and fear of dying /
proposed chrome extension /
doing it for others /
a new unit of measure: the classical /
the giraffe is about to get his account suspended /
i hope they call it the girlfriend experience /
a life lived entirely without nostalgia /
start reading it in under a minute /
off and on /
interactive paper books /
the opposite of camouflage /
pitchfork's favorite music books /
danah boyd on real names, identity, facebook and google /
Chris Burden's Metropolis II /
creating things from the stuff around you /
July 2011
June 2011
May 2011
stealing designs for profit /
kill / cook / eat /
your friends are entertainment /
all the news that's fit to tweet /
filtered /
leviathan /
even if it's fake it's real /
art makes you feel good /
you'd think @jkottke and @torrez would agree on this /
let's make a sandwich /
a thank you note to @ttthhhxxx /
so now @mike_ftw has an editorial calendar /
Studio 60 impersonators on Twitter (even if it's fake it's real) /
on @tcarmody at /
All that laughter... /
April 2011
March 2011
goddamn that's good /
how i think about color /
what else did serlet disagree with? /
i only made it 50 pages /
celebrating people /
stating the obvious /
measured progress /
fallows on christopher /
new rules for the new bubble /
the fear of missing out /
paywall reactions /
transaction economics v. attention economics /
matt webb on fukushima and engineering /
gawker does good headline /
quickly on the quickbar /
stop the train i don't understand it anymore /
breaking the logjam /
February 2011
my voice is my passport. verify me. /
elementary, my dear watson /
achatz profile pieces /
the hazards of love /
on archiving digital products /
miscellany /
+1 to @felixsalmon /
the julian assange coloring book /
mcsweeney's on books /
the lovers and their black hole /
mmmm, circles. /
some steve reich for friday /
poniewozik on friday night lights /
on the wishlist: my first dictionary /
now if it were 'sippey' that would be something special /
i'm sure they'll fix this /
maybe i'm just old, and that's why i'm suffering cognitive dissonance after one day of the daily /
the force /
james blake, the wilhelm scream /
January 2011
soylent green is people, part 897 /
sandy beach, not a cliff /
david chang's ipad app /
bedroom troubadours, lo-fi tweakers, freak folkers and the like /
the real and fake spiral jetty /
everyone hates the library /
automatic packet reporting /
timing matters: #lessambitiousmovies, katy perry and digital fashion /
screenplay for the social network /
clay on wikipedia /
khoi nails the issue with ipad magazines /
there's a limit to their love /
the girl with the dark and brooding soundtrack /
thinking outside the wrist /
one year in one image /
three highlighted passages from super sad true love story /
intel's short doc on scott schuman /
google needs some soylent green /
December 2010
where to eat in half moon bay /
go buy this /
my top 9 songs of the year /
jeffrey wells on little fockers /
fitter, happier, more productive...not reading steve gillmor too much. /
scharffenberger tofu /
roger ebert's best films of 2010 /
three delicious things /
this is my favorite photo of the year /
the groupon voice guide /
groupon is copywriting performance art /
remember kids, don't be a pseudonymous dick /
google latitude pm ken norton responds /
understatement of the year /
um, no thanks. /
do you hear that? it's the sound of powerpoint... /
book sampling /
ho ho ho /
compare and contrast /
will it waffle? /
wikileaks information arbitrage opportunity /
i'd love to see traffic stats on /
you can't reason about products /
so long, front row video. /
oooooh, we used to wait /
magaziner; letter to jane /
fallows on edwards /
an oil tanker taking off like a saturn rocket /
flipboard pages as media delivery engine /
mom, phineas and ferb are making a talk show /
mitch kapor is a very patient man /
it's time for some recategorizing /
email from friendster /
all your friends were so knocked out /
links for 2010-12-01 /
November 2010
links for 2010-11-30 /
links for 2010-11-29 /
links for 2010-11-24 /
even if it's fake it's real /
links for 2010-11-23 /
even more notes on google tv and twitter /
links for 2010-11-22 /
landslide /
misc notes on google tv, zuckerberg and open territory /
links for 2010-11-18 /
links for 2010-11-17 /
links for 2010-11-16 /
what works on the cover of wired /
what is next? a book reading badge?!? /
nieman lab interviews al shaw /
market recalls from flowing data /
i love local blogging...because i love berkeleyside /
hands in pockets /
om has it right /
matt thompson on marc ambinder /
jackson pollock never wore adidas /
follow @sippeydotcom on twitter /
up with humans /
spalding gray archives go to the harry ransom center /
more venn diagrams, please. /
i want a $1 version of this /
i love these peter ravn paintings /
file under: this is not a metaphor /
you should read this /
sea water antennas /
r.i.p. sparky anderson /
felix salmon on the dismal economics of paywalls /
a thank you note /
new york mag's ipad app /
if you're watching fringe, you'll appreciate this /
elbow bump. /
October 2010
close your eyes /
bill simmons on lebron james and dwayne wade /
stating the obvious, part 1955 /
smash /
guilt replaced by acceptance /
worth reading in full /
let's go giants (clap clap, clap clap clap) /
it's a thin line between love and hate /
is asking 'is [blank] a failure' on quora a failure? /
did they really put this in? /
bengie and buster /
click. click. buy. /
this is the best thing i've seen all day. /
that didn't take long /
janet zweig's lipstick enigma /
will apple put the air in macbook air? /
when the grownups show up and talk about punk rock /
jay-z just set the new bar for a transmedia ad campaign /
cue the rimshot /
everyone's work is equally important /
a sight gag is worth 673 words /
pseudonymity for the win /
i like the new windows phone 7 ad /
exogenous trending topics /
Giants win. /
even massimo vignelli needs a power cord /
September 2010
zero history touches the x axis /
urban thermal warfare /
putting it behind you /
more than 140 on #newtwitter, content embeds and markup /
sara corbett's nyt magazine piece, learning by playing /
The Thump of Fallen Icons /
instant address bar? /
forked: forking is a feature /
richard misrach's destroy this memory /
pro publica news applications /
aggregators and opinion labeling /
tried to do too much /
viral and transparent /
August 2010
overdue comeback /
in a volvo-shaped handbasket /
design sensibilities v. design skills /
liquid angels /
hi. i'm bill. /
for some reason this reminds me of jeff spicoli /
this is a depressing letter /
i will buy these /
be an unbeatable person /
adam mathes is on fire /
typing in textareas /
Land, Speed and Bonneville: Places: Design Observer /
all is vanity /
nothing compares to sinead /
first amendment for $200, alex. /
actually, this is exactly what i was looking for. /
kermit and jim /
glorified cursers [sic] /
there shouldn't be any guilt involved in these pleasures /
that show was a piece of work /
obsessive much? /
more data exhaust /
groan /
breathe deeply /
belief is a choice /
typekit + adobe /
the list goes to 11 /
sweet and sour /
reed me /
one of these things is not like the other /
jukebox hero /
gawker v. the awl /
game show hosts for $1,600, alex /
eclipse /
but will anyone ever play cayce pollard? /
but who can take a year off to travel? /
baggage galore! /
the freemium myth /
oracle v. android /
mistah kurtz, he dead /
like i need an excuse to eat more cookies /
after the explosion /
this is the best you can do? /
tweetdeck and the single stream /
the best deck on the internets /
file under: professional jealousy /
tim carmody at kottke /
ruth bourdain gets a new intern... /
one of our engineers even figured out how to make a hat /
faster! faster!! /
berkun on wave and kin /
new bay bridge /
we used to do this by hand /
surrender monkeying /
one other thing re. flipboard... /
I love this view /
[this is good] /
the horn section makes it /
wait. she's human? /
it may have explained the prozac in the drinking water /
flipboard, the new digg and stream fatigue /
berkeleyside on traywick /
art logic /
no one was looking for wave /
mmm, tiny. /
true/slant shuttering /
borthwick on the ipad /
July 2010
champion on inception /
just like the snowglobe /
five bits out of context /
tldr /
the horror. the horror. /
'in real life' was the perfect touch /
required reading /
something to do with an emergency? /
brands as patrons /
this flowchart pretty much defines the local maximum problem /
the view from six apart this morning /
it's in my hair, it's on my clothes /
i'm rooting for the kids /
this is the dumbest picture on the internet today /
the philosophy of toy story 3 /
mini-microsoft on the kin /
jack shedd on pictures /
i always thought the 405 was hell /
via @coudal, amy king on reading /
i'm sure there's a soccer fan who would love to transect his brain stem /
June 2010
except this time, the pants are a company /
dear brooklyn museum /
cheating werewolf /
string theory /
artists who want to sell /
at-at day afternoon and the psychic vampire /
flatness /
three bits out of context /
mom! phineas and ferb are making a title sequence... /
imperial bedrooms /
i don't have this problem /
area 51 is not for everyone /
there is no such thing as cannon fodder at this level /
james murphy on fresh air /
its envelope also contained sparkles / /
with apologies to all seven of my readers in boston /
curbed's hiring /
five bits out of context /
until they're all outed by a different source, that is. /
messy and manic in flat-front khakis /
in other words, movies are now 'commodities' /
jjg on the ipad's programmable keyboards /
i'm imagining this as a lyric /
are you an el ten eleven fan? help them finish their record /
where was the nighthawks diner? /
programmable 'keyboards' /
imagine this scene shot by michel gondry /
bloody bloody andrew jackson /
i voted up this youtube comment /
the blank slate /
anchors away /
May 2010
April 2010
what i like about lala /
siri to apple /
creative vision, leadership and pixar /
promoted tweets and platform reach /
there's no place like home /
what dave said. /
undo is the hardest operation of all /
he's also tall, dark and handsome /
popular science+ /
peanut butter and jelly bread /
mmmm, donuts /
March 2010
teriyaki nectar /
salon on chelsea /
creating overwhelming feelings of parental-themed inadequacy, one blog post at a time /
completely out of context /
greenberg down under /
mmmm, animal-shaped foods /
what's happening? /
pancakes on acid /
owen's back /
i want a public bike /
belief-suspending /
today's must read /
sound advice /
services from p&g /
ross on pavement /
signs of spring /
ezra on literalness /
another reason to subscribe /
she smokes to quiet her racing heart /
onward and ahead, paul ford! /
now that's a conference /
tyler green's abstract painter bracket tourney /
herbivorous rage /
new rules for new delivery devices /
insularity breeds insularity /
game over /
wrigley maintenance /
lady gaga is going to be on glee /
how you like me now /
entitled to care, starring jason schwartzman /
the multi-layered ipad /
pluto is no longer a planet /
i am also a huge fan of soulver /
thanks, dave! /
now that's a party /
world class, a.k.a. international hullaballoo /
the flickr commons /
the DFW archive /
the canon blaster /
nightmares in neon /
does the model have her shoes on the table? /
paul ford will be at sxsw /
smart marketing from @jenbee /
quite a lot! /
home is where i want to be /
david byrne's dream /
now i want a sous-vide cooker /
irony /
formless and definite content /
fluxblog on spiritualized's 'come together' /
only a little wine? meh. /
kids or no kids, that is the question /
hurt locker <> documentary /
couldn't agree more /
consuming its own waste for substance /
February 2010
context, context, context /
it's possible, maybe, some say. /
imagine the meeting /
ascii++ /
AP photographer not included /
wall street loves curling, too /
tacocat /
morford on woods /
mark richardson interview at fluxblog /
koki tanaka's everything is everything /
broken basketball /
ten rules of publishing /
it's 1.5 ounces of OH MY GOD SHUT UP ALREADY /
Coverflow really is an awful way to read news. /
the other book i'm looking forward to this year... /
that's it...this means WAR. /
quarter mile groove /
curling explained /
the seriously flawed opera proxy /
i experienced that 'superior customer value' once... /
invoking the ghost of clara peller /
from hitching post to parking meter to bike rack /
from flickr to television /
go see three screen ray in person /
so...i guess you didn't like it? /
i love style rookie /
hey great! a new app store! /
kindle as service v. kindle as product /
can 4sq, gowalla, etc. steal from the yelp budget? /
feature? /
connecting the arch with the city /
the distinction between sites and people /
it's that 'being in the air' bit that always gets me /
authentic imitation and the ipad /
um, ms. winfrey? are you ok? /
siri was worth the wait /
quote of the day /
for the life between buildings /
he owns that medium /
not to mention, having root is frightening /
he's very disappointed in all of you /
what would he do? /
some criterion titles going out of print /
we have a monopoly on michael sippey /
my favorite unhappy hipster /
holzer tattoos /
another way to see, another way to think /
January 2010
the savior for zero marginal cost products /
the ipad is the family computer /
i didn't actually vomit /
i wrote this blog post in one take /
that's a really long time /
probably both /
p&g on twitter and facebook /
tom tom magazine /
i know everyone's tired of ninjas, but... /
robertson on apple and lala /
ribbon hero /
wireless power. literally. /
jim ray on real time reporting /
foursquarex /
fake on lanier /
will the oscars(tm) be this good? /
pop software and the future /
feeling it /
dash on graham /
your favorite nexus one review for the next 7:40 /
yes, that's very much a new approach /
since we're all dreaming about new apple products... /
knight on deitch /
tyler green's interview with jeffrey deitch /
shocking. /
rumpus on facebook /
note to self: dress the part /
hill on boyer /
green on deitch /
et tu, ken marks? /
don't pity the dead /
just one question /
triggered delivery /
tool creation /
what does a bottle of water mean? /
i'll take a team tavi shirt as well, please /
yeah, baby! /
wolff on carr /
two quick delillo notes /
heads i win, tails you lose /
r.i.p. brad graham /
great list /
regale future generations with stories about the aughts /
james fallows on thinking tools /
fireworks, freezing water and facepaint /
December 2009
not enough. /
more on metadata and digital publishing /
i love chicago, really! /
this is bloody messy /
it's the metadata, stupid /
if you don't have anything nice to say... /
from viral loops to game driven marketing /
fred's top 10 /
jonathan rosenberg posted a 4,400 word rorschach test /
that's not art /
where finished = done /
transitioning to all knowing digital /
bonnier + berg's magazine tablet concept /
very, very active. /
the secret of the book /
no such thing as a free pass /
spot instances /
on the other hand, the trophy polish causes brain damage /
ideal syllabi /
hidden nuggets /
why what matters now just won't /
how 'bout them apples /
facebook product tagging /
the tail-eating snake of the web /
rhbaby on the clash of the titans trailer /
and now? not so much. /
pvrblog for sale /
fanfilm /
facebook following /
the preference of monsters /
the list to end all lists /
on a wave of schadenfreude /
invisible /
when harry met sally at the dentist /
we've always been at war with verizon /
james franco, performance artist /
a frickin' miracle /
why i love six apart /
elegant thinking /
an EC2-based proxy for spotify? /
apple + lala /
yesss. very powerful words. /
faster faster faster /
the song remains the same /
chicago's holiday train /
what was missing from the sports illustrated tablet concept /
updated scoreboard /
convenience as interface /
blogs + pandora + lala = amazing /
which reminds me /
respect /
new york times editors slain by the googlebot /
i want one of those /
differentiated dns /
way below the fold /
video killed the radio star /
the startup visa /
the six million dollar man /
something's wrong with the head /
[this is good] /
nice work, @joinred /
left as rain /
November 2009
the circus /
drama /
block that metaphor /
because everyone loves a battle /
boring is as boring does /
more on jeanne-claude /
i loved reading this post on the internet /
this is a sound strategy /
the feel-good apocalypse movie of the year /
speaking of hills and valleys... /
r.i.p. jeanne-claude /
we shouldn't blame jason. we should blame ourselves. /
no toyo ito for BAMPFA /
mena writes a great letter to tavi /
creepy v. really creepy / + red laser /
imagine the rehearsals /
announcing typepad micro /
the holidays are coming... /
it's like they're always amazed... /
hotel beds /
hills and valleys /
frog on apple and bloomberg /
sorry you lost; here's your invoice. /
yes. you should call him. /
unsubscribe /
the case for twitter ads /
killer tweetage /
i'd use this /
greg knauss is on a roll /
and i actually liked dumb and dumber /
predicting the future /
oh i'm sorry, were we talking about your weekend? /
brief interviews /
are close votes a feature or a bug? /
a twenty year regret /
i am not a food blogger /
the last days of gourmet /
no one suggested twenty-ought-ten? /
developing the ambient array / recap /
October 2009
lehman's collection up for auction /
gaze up at the weirdness /
the broken bridge /
the most interesting man in the world /
onward! /
whoa. /
no, really. is it open? /
editorial merchandising or competitive shopping? /
sometimes i love fakesteve /
disclosures /
competitive shopping /
missed opportunity /
infinite loop /
headline: man bites self /
absolutely debatable /
of note today /
so those other 48 states are out, then? /
down and to the right /
canabalt high scores! /
to all my friends... /
book recommendations for ze /
what would tinker bell do? /
probably not quite like a live NFL game, but still... /
goodman on weiner and draper /
dragon tattoo with open subtitles /
the sad thing is that they're not kidding /
the governor's breakfast /
see a little light /
canabalt /
something turtleneck-shaped /
do one thing, and do it well /
tigers v. twins /
single-application mode /
shooting into the corner...and laughing /
water on the moon? /
typepad motion /
slapped down in copenhagen /
nothing wrong with a little color /
feather v. hammer /
bat segundo hiatus /
September 2009
waffle house! /
rock and roll = barium /
the fishers on collecting /
that was a close call /
dan hill's life on mars /
finally, it's arrived /
yes, me too. /
nelson's new way /
even dead fish show emotion once in a while /
cyclops-leveling is the new block-rocking /
andrew frank at gartner on google's ad exchange /
wool scarves are the new sunglasses? /
because you can't spell innovation without t.o.s. /
on my list: see the flaming lips /
the future of our republic hinges on this issue /
sfj on atp (planes are the best) /
no such thing as scarcity /
dust /
don't click that link /
triggers three, maybe four of the seven deadly sins /
support the freedom of banging act /
brad feld on apple + exchange /
frankenmap /
i miss the wizard /
small hack /
and the jonze spin begins /
for once in my life, i'm not early adopting /
cloud gate /
August 2009
hating v. loving /
the color of money /
on seeing kennedy /
googlephonics /
beatles remasters /
in under a minute /
i chop it down with the edge of my hand /
to do: contemplate light beams slow enough to dodge /
vorticism is the same as futurism, but british /
it's hard, and i could use a little help /
fallows on the brain /
fallows on mccaughey v. stewart /
unicode heaven /
who liked this? /
perfectly groomed /
i am sad about this, too /
every dog loves food /
blame it on the app store /
this machine will make you want a cup of wilkins coffee /
the $24 million question /
remember when every family's first stop was online? /
that's a technical term /
msnbc acquires everyblock /
wouldn't it be great to be a rock star? /
recommended things /
only one will make it out alive /
getting past the endless arms race /
europe? there's an app for that /
but which one's red and which one's blue? /
hammer time /
blockchalk /
my oh my /
they shipped that /
please yourself /
performance anxiety /
danny sullivan on bartz's retconning /
summer in new york /
things on speed /
people around the game /
July 2009
trance-making /
it never stops. /
search and replace /
scott berkun on how to watch transformers 2 /
no line drawing, unfortunately /
it's a long way from sunnyvale to redmond /
i was hoping to see the pink shirt /
gonna get deputized /
choice. value. parody. /
speaking of comic-con... /
new delillo in february 2010 /
cronenberg & cosmopolis /
comic-con and star wars /
and i had to look up pleonastic /
john did the cooking, merce did the dishes /
i think i've found a new tagline /
justin hall had it right /
just do these four simple things /
transcript visualizations from the apollo 11 mission /
jay murray siskind reviewed oblivion /
i love haiku as much as the next guy /
speaking of refurbished footage from space, han really did shoot first. /
i absolutely love the sincerity of the ask metafilter community /
great overview of how the npr api is being used /
and hey, kids! now we're going to learn about e.coli! /
the difference between strategy and tactics /
the first couple to have their relationship skewered by the new york review of ideas /
the arch /
friday the only day that counts? /
b'eau pal from the yes men /
a twist in the fairey case /
lefsetz on perez & warner /
every other year we say we'll go next time /
a tropicana followup /
federer moments /
countercrunch /
what if the williams sisters had attended enfield? /
let's play a game of 'spot the irony' /
June 2009
May 2009
April 2009
March 2009
February 2009
albums plus apps /
peter arnell's remarks on the launch of tropicana packaging /
frank rich's links /
joss whedon on fresh air /
this post is for natalie podrazik /
space debris /
more denk thinking /
hudson on darwin /
a book is not a machine /
uncensored sopranos /
so how much did they pay? /
in a new york minute /
the updike tour of new york, as seen in the new yorker /
facebook + openid /
mccarran airport is too small /
let's go get that /
January 2009
i wish i had seen this match /
i made tea /
funeral for analog tv /
define 'enjoyable,' would you, please? /
we exist as flaws in ancient glass /
thank god my kids are bored by candy land, too /
when the hand passes over the bulb, your mind goes boom /
on any given sunday /
ze frank on scale /
i really hope someone's working on the screenplay /
pregnant ladies at bath house raves /
ubiquitous photography /
the oscar piracy data's in! /
kk on renting v. ownership /
today's the lull /
they did it again /
can't wait to see the nebbishy con man again /
right there on the front page /
will obama call on helen thomas first? /
font-family declarations are your new bicycle /
b0xxy transcription /
noah wilson's partial landscapes /
america america /
yay cloud, episode 110 /
more more more more! /
daisy on dodgeball /
relief /
google: it's like tivo for the web /
going up in flames...flame-broiled deliciousness, that is! /
on retailing, bazaar hosting and the directing of ire /
i'd love to see the distribution centers layered on top /
the last first world problem /
just who are the educators? /
harold liked nine kinds of pie /
deaccessioning to pay the bills /
the dark knight and changing aspect ratios /
destroypreferences /
December 2008
this is the year in this is sippey /
What I want from Macworld this year /
scenario planning /
more on iphone gaming /
dale dougherty on bill gates /
roll on, rolando! /
moca's higher power /
marketing myopia /
kanye west album generator /
the folks at gizmodo deserve a raise /
quote of the day /
it's new to you, part two /
the key to reserva /
single serving -- a play in one act /
project management lingo /
it's new to you /
election fraud /
hp labs on twitter /
a running friendship /
golden state model railroad museum /
fourfour on britney /
November 2008
he met the walrus /
wanted: friends for the JS-909 /
it's what's for dinner /
it's all right there /
puryear @ sfmoma /
daytum /
paging cayce pollard /
matt webb's 100 head cattle drive /
yes we can /
dataviz heaven /
a few home pages /
participation, silence and online works /
i'm hopeful this isn't the greatest impact /
almost. /
meursault should have lied /
October 2008
the runaway train /
i absolutely agree 100% /
that porsche sure does corner well /
quickly quelling dissent /
revolving hotel room /
mini cooper to begin field testing an electric car /
palin song / different trains /
android garage door opener /
trib endorses obama, four horsemen tap dance down ashland ave. /
i'll go out on a limb here... /
george packer on john mccain /
audience /
real time capitalism /
andrew sullivan, why i blog /
modern art notes on the use of the flag /
bag of hurt /
latent semantic politics, or red v. blue /
clifford lidell, secret fever /
i can't wait to see how newsrooms use the new photoshop /
like cheetoh dust /
maverick! /
file under 'aggressive aggressive' /
restaurants should do the math for you /
good ol' charlie brown /
the second annual blogger challenge /
palin's impact on couric /
grant achatz on creativity /
September 2008
the audacity of despair /
marshall on mccain /
anil dash remixes the hold music /
i would love a polaroid printer, wouldn't you? /
what genius is good for /
viewing the cloud through different lenses /
these are good /
kedrosky is must-read right now /
shortcut to create a new email from anywhere from within os x (aka stupid shortcut hack #145) /
kakutani on dfw /
this week, on a very special fringe, the large hadron collider /
mahjong: contemporary chinese art @ berkeley art museum /
the race is on /
las manitas /
obsessions /
michael lewis on the day after /
August 2008
July 2008
June 2008
aspen music festival on /
liz phair on guyville /
little rips in the urban fabric /
djokovic on losing /
One reason why DonorsChoose works so well /
my head just exploded a little /
upgrading your television is too hard /
key lesson: act fast /
we're living in the future /
oh thank god /
infectious! /
on stage /
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
achatz on the alinea book /
ipods that make you thin...and save your soul /
bryan boyer's mega lincoln /
notes on the death of hal riney /
I love Paul Ford /
on bacon, chopin and the perception of time /
how to get mark to buy your album /
conversations i wish i had heard /
working overtime /
congrats, jason /
we're here to compete /
optimistic hyperbolic nonsense. and beer. /
donuts and democracy /
click to add title /
February 2008
now that's a quote /
is your dog a werewolf? /
insert obvious gmail joke here /
liveblogging reading some of the liveblogging of the oscars /
beautiful children /
more reviews like this, please /
a quick note to the kindle team /
pattern recognition /
olafur eliasson /
chabon on obama /
thoughts on the social graph api /
January 2008
i'm starting to hate this primary race /
of note of late /
short messages not sent /
designers accord /
gmail, iphone and ajax /
five wishlist items for macworld /
yes, i'm obsessed with bags /
the mystery box /
and now it's about smart media buying /
after new hampshire /
just one question /
every story needs a zoo angle /
software design as performance art /
both numbing and euphoric /
December 2007
wrapping up 2007 /
sharing is caring /
kids these days /
dear lazyweb /
arbus archives go to the met /
the missing piece /
big day for movable type /
things i didn't know, latest in a series /
140story /
a picture, 1000 words, etc. /
fluxblog on sky blue sky /
an in-depth analysis of the writers' strike, complete with footnotes /
kids these days, part 769 /
well? shall we go? /
November 2007
miami! /
so long, series 1 /
an excuse to get to new york /
short attention span theater /
kindle motivations /
it's january 2009 that matters, after all /
first world problem /
black friday reading material /
no country for charlie rose /
futurefeedforward /
dashing kindle /
redacted as tour of modern media environment /
knapp on bonds /
the note could not be saved /
what else do you need to know? /
self service super computing /
museum dashboard /
jennifer love hewitt and cory doctorow /
eod is back /
quote of the day /
karl long on virgin america /
taking pictures of taking pictures /
strike day /
for friends only /
October 2007
the all powerful dick /
clever clever /
sooo tacky /
columns and rows /
anomaly /
i'm way behind on this gabe & max thing /
do you think my kids would sing it this way? /
recommended /
ratatouille /
i really just want to be like jason /
fun with set theory /
yes, that linda ronstadt /
not all blogs, just most blogs /
here's an old graph /
friend is not a verb /
it's funny 'cause it's true /
monteiro, this one's for you. /
i blog *because* of my friends /
must keep moving to avoid dying /
man, i really need to renew my subscription /
i use my blog to send messages to my friends /
high signal to noise ratio /
fakebooker! /
do both /
contrary to popular opinion... /
best toy ever /
cringe worthy /
staaaaar waaaaars /
she makes my head hurt /
circling the bay /
what if this blog were telling you something else? /
dynamo /
another brick /
i am a proud ftrain reblogger /
born free /
September 2007
ok, so we can put that one to rest. /
matt webb, sooooper genius /
he's a robot! /
that excel bug /
i find this ironic /
an adventure in retail /
756 /
kevin kelly on sell-side advertising /
he is smarter than you /
they'd deliver real explosives if they could /
opening the social graph /
radiohead on ateaseweb /
a simple request, really /
if you enjoyed kings of leon, you may also enjoy this post /
recently starred /
conventions are good /
a moment, bookmarked /
20x200 /
with me, it's all about the drummers /
must find out what happened next /
the battle of lyric and grace /
next up, the secret diary of palmisano /
bump set spike - right out of ferry park /
iphone refund logistics /
because it's the old iPhone, that's why /
it's ok to blame the building, too /
at least book tours at airports cut down on cab expenses /
worlds collide /
August 2007
but mom, lawn darts are FUN! /
merc on wilco /
what happened there? /
merit badge /
she taught me everything i needed to know /
itzkoff on gibson /
i'm flattered /
more like this /
but mom, math is hard! /
but i don't mean you. i love you. /
can i go back and do it again? /
connections galore /
black is the new black /
ready, aim, fire /
i am collectively unintelligent /
bubblicious! /
mega mega /
nice job if you can get it /
living without balance /
interesting subjects make for interesting photos /
walk it out /
sting is an ape, too /
and san francisco parking still sucks /
fisher art museum /
it's his /
read: unreadable /
green on the deyoung /
ga ga ga /
but was he wearing tights? /
you had me at... /
i want to try /
i've been meaning to blog this, even though most of you won't really care /
filmmaking with a rubber hose /
user generated clothing /
the value of free /
silence is golden /
fine on dow jones /
all meta, all the time /
July 2007
spiderpig, spiderpig /
madden on walsh /
verbiage /
the genius /
in heavy rotation /
on crack? /
mobile /
minnow v. whale /
into the clouds /
appreciating its beauty anew /
muscle memory /
dishing on l.a. /
whoa /
really? the worst? /
how much is too much? /
amc to myspace? /
this is awful /
slow news day /
Opsware to HP /
keen v weinberger /
double the price /
daily affirmation /
hopeless romantic /
cheap trick /
housing shortage /
closure /
true or not true /
the joke's not old yet /
Sonnet Beatrice Butterfield /
black billowing cloud /
pareles on pitchfork /
carl kasell is now my friend /
on lewitt /
i love to hate you /
iphone and exchange /
succumbing /
seidman! /
a primer /
you're doing it wrong /
tony orlando = snake pliskin? /
and a little bird said tweet tweet /
we love it /
perfectly threadless /
the latest j.l.h. from c.i. /
rubbernecking /
no limit /
my iphone is doing it! /
hello, ollie! /
devil in the white city /
this american life parody /
shipwreck /
omt is the new wag /
more on the goddamn iphone /
cloverfield /
size matters /
revolutionary document /
this isn't a story i tell too many people /
the bryanboyer show /
rememberance /
mmm, lobster /
michael mina /
future of small business /
creative destruction and feed slamming /
confit byaldi /
rats demonstrate generosity /
like butter /
harry reid /
envy /
another iphone idea /
June 2007
We found this hobo on the subway. on Flickr - Photo Sharing! /
Twitter / jennyholzer /
short attention span theater /
rich kid /
printers. /
marketing 101 /
kottke on f8 /
illegal tying? /
currently reading /
nytimes on tmz /
kedrosky on hilton /
nicely done, firefox /
spore delayed /
at supernova on wednesday /
wanted: sms to home display /
well edited breakfast tacos /
i say it here, it happens there /
congrats to google on feedburner /
May 2007
April 2007
March 2007
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
jot to google /
all hail the obvious /
and there was much rejoicing /
will he or won't he /
brilliantly obvious /
maeda's simplicity /
user generated advertising /
because it's the perfect how-to video /
two stupid usability things /
tom and shiny happy tv lady /
gawker media /
customer hostile programming, again /
netflix visualization /
netflix data /
file under holy shit /
trans-sensing /
hornik on hack day. /
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
January 2006
December 2005
November 2005
October 2005
September 2005
August 2005
July 2005
June 2005
May 2005
April 2005
March 2005
February 2005
January 2005
December 2004
November 2004
October 2004
tsr on naive and sentimental music /
yahoo buys stata labs /
talk about the weather /
shift the store to the device /
the jukebox has a long tail /
feeddemon style /
blowing the opt out opportunity /
blatant spousal promotion /
i had a dream /
web 2.0: contrarian search bet from snap /
ev leaving google /
September 2004
August 2004
July 2004
viral armani /
more on attention fragmentation /
airborne toxic event /
step one, admitting you have a problem. /
leaky patterns and fragmentation /
duke's pre-loaded ipods /
lookout, microsoft /
firefox, gmail and unexpected tab behavior /
feedburner, flickr and feed splicing /
google + picasa /
wonkette does boston /
this is busted /
cost per influence and meme arbitrage /
clip clip clip /
delicious visualization /
office as rich client /
daily zeitgeist /
June 2004
where does rss belong? /
g-mailto bookmarklet /
sooooopernova /
new delillo in grand street /
nightmare on madison avenue /
efax sucks, part two /
measurable syndication /
it's messages all the way down /
aggregation as backup? /
strong week /
ambient meetings /
the mac pip /
infect your friends! /
two reagan context pieces /
nice work, nick /
airport express /
bring in the program manager /
bizwerk /
lewis on s.r.b. /
disappearing email news /
10 to 13 /
it's all about relevance /
until further notice /
inbox conference /
busting a syndication myth /
May 2004
April 2004
March 2004
markoff on gmail /
clay on situated software /
FrooglePEG /
online travel site homepages /
open caches /
timeline /
Clarke apologizes. /
outlook as platform /
task management /
smells like robots /
the american people /
celeb power /
micro-micro-media /
lookout software /
holy cow, bryan's famous. /
if i ran gizmodo /
iTunes as remote player /
February 2004
January 2004
wonkette /
google mail /
pc notebook design /
one dozen delicious /
justin /
orkut's back. /
one dozen delicious /
orkut withdrawl /
very rich client /
one dozen delicious /
the human condition /
can dean cross the chasm? /
one dozen delicious /
mars /
Here's the thing... /
migration /
one dozen delicious /
box modeling /
wish fulfilled. /
traffic rank /
one dozen delicious /
all the young dudes /
one dozen delicious /
fit and finish /
whoops /
just like the old days /
in 30 seconds /
blog snapshots /
recommended: middlesex /
no flowers, please /
December 2003
November 2003
October 2003
thinking through friendster's numbers /
how much would you pay? /
why i love ebay, /
quick review /
head spinning /
breaking through the 100 feed barrier /
reimagining /
great short copy /
fit and finish /
Until a few days ago... /
kids these days /
lost in translation /
it's all about the float. /
google and friendster /
reverse switching /
flavorpill / earplug /
flash paper /
be the ball /
the move /
nytimes on recall /
like, totally recalled /
haughey's on a tear /
naval ravikant injects some sense /
May 1997
April 1997
Publishers on push: Luke Seemann /
Publishers on Push: Derek Powazek /
Publishers on Push: Scott Rosenberg /
Publishers on Push: Sarah Townsend /
Publishers on Push: Steven Champeon /
Publishers on Push: Rebecca Eisenberg /
Publishers on Push: Hans Eisenbeis /
Publishers on Push: Greg Knauss /
Publishers on Push: Carl Steadman /
Publishers on Push: Intro /
Siegel Strikes Again /
MSWebTV Spells L-e-v-e-r-a-g-e /