October 02, 2009

typepad motion

If you follow along with the web 2.0 news, you’ve probably already seen the headlines that we introduced a couple of big things this week: the TypePad Platform and TypePad Motion. Huge congrats are in order for the entire team…which was actually two teams working closely together: the back-end team working on exposing key pieces of TypePad as a set of REST-based APIs, and the front-end team building a beautiful Django application for running simple, social connected communities that are powered by those TypePad APIs.

You can read more about TypePad Motion, join the developer program and download the Django bits from Github. But for the high level overview the blogs are where it’s at: Leah Culver has a great post about what the team built, while Chris Alden’s post puts all of this new stuff in broader Six Apart context.

I love working with this team, and bringing TypePad Motion to market – with real sites running real software powering real communities – has been a ton of fun. There’s a lot more to do, of course, but that’s always the way it is when you launch a product. Onwards!