kindle as service v. kindle as product

Andrew blogs the rumor that Amazon is going to give Kindles away to their Prime subscribers[1], and commentsā€¦

But I donā€™t knowā€¦ thereā€™s something about it that still just doesnā€™t feel right to me. Most of my heavy reading friends love theirs (Iā€™m looking at you Sippey). Iā€™m buying an iPad as soon as it comes out and can see applications for it in my life all over the place. And hey, Iā€™ll happily take a free device I didnā€™t want any time. But for some reason, I just donā€™t see myself lustily opening that free Kindle and gleefully downloading away.

Since I was called out, I had to commentā€¦and since I left such a long comment I thought Iā€™d reblog it here.

My book buying habits arenā€™t necessarily lusty, but now just more ā€œon demand.ā€ Done with one book, pick up the next right now. Iā€™ve shifted the bulk book buying I used to do on Amazon to the deviceā€¦ But frankly, they do a really lousy job of merchandising titles through the Kindleā€™s on-device store ā€“ itā€™s a seriously crappy shopping experience.

Which makes me wonder just what the heck theyā€™re doing. This just feels like a combination of iPad fear an unnatural love for his own device on the part of Bezos. Assuming that Apple doesnā€™t lock them (and Stanza and all the other one off ebook sellers in the app store) out of the iPad because of the iBookstore, presumably theyā€™ll have a great for the iPad, just like they do for the iPhone. Sure, the Kindleā€™s probably a better reading experience outside, but unless theyā€™re sitting on some massive amount of inventory that they donā€™t want to have to write down completely, or are thinking about their Spint data deal in the wrong way (sunk costs, anyone?) I just donā€™t get this.

Iā€™m not saying that they should exit the business, mind you, but that they should just rightsize it, make the product better, and realize that Kindle as a service brand will have a longer shelf life[2] than Kindle as a product brand. Amazon should look at the iPad and scream ā€œholy crap, this is awesome ā€“ we can have a much better selling experience on the device than we can with our slow, non-responsive black-on-gray reflective screen device. Hooray!ā€ Instead, Bezos just wants to be Jobs.

[1] I loved Hunter Walkā€™s tweet this morning on this: ā€œConspiracy Theory: Apple behind the ā€˜free kindle to amazon prime customersā€™ rumor to chill kindle sales pre-ipadā€

[2] Pun fully intended.