May 27, 2010

the ipad really is the family computer

Back in January I wrote this about iPad after the announcement:

It looks like a great machine to travel from the living room to the kitchen to the kids room to the bedroom. We’ll search the web on it, read the news on it, the kids will do email on it, play Brushes and Bejeweled on it, and it’ll be the perfect complement to the Sunday afternoon TV football ritual. We’ll use it to control the music in the house, and do some quick bet-settling during dinner. I’m sure we’ll eventually enjoy some multiplayer “board” games on it, or read a book on it, or watch a TV show on it. And the kids will argue with each other over who gets it next. (Dad will.)

While we haven’t found any good “board” games, this is pretty much how it’s turned out. Self-select bias is at play here, obviously, since that’s what I bought it for, but it’s nice to see others using it the same way. Fred Wilson blogs today…

We use it for our sonos remote, to do crossword puzzles, play games, pull up menus to order in, read techmeme and hacker news, and watch the occasional youtube video. It’s replaced our kitchen computer on our kitchen countertop. It’s become a member of our family. And when visitors come over, they love to use it. It’s great at a party.

He’s right, it is great at a party! But vodka’s still better.