Notion has hit 100M users and there’s much to love in the email that Ivan Zhao, the founder, sent to celebrate the milestone.

In our early years, we were rather lost. … We had no business sense, struggled with building a horizontal tool. Notion almost died. (Thanks for the bridge, mom!)


Notion is built on the 70s’ vision that software can “augment human intellect”. … The world needs a “LEGOs for software” and Notion is here to build that! With our LEGOs, a community of non-programmers can sell “software” built on Notion (some made $1M in 2023!) We dreamed of this in the original pitch deck, but I wasn’t sure it would come true. It’s gradually coming together, though instead of 15 months like we imagined in our original pitch deck, it took us 10 years 😅


As with our mission, our love for craft hasn’t changed. We tried 30 shades of warm white paints for our office wall. We couldn’t find merch we love, so we made our own work jackets. We care about craft & beauty, and we want to bring them to this world.

What I love about Notion is that is both highly opinionated and internally consistent. Once you understand how Notion works, how those LEGOs fit together, the light bulb goes off about (a) what you can do with the tool, and (b) where your contraints are. (You can do a lot with LEGOs, but not everything.) I think Notion is one of the more interesting products to come out of “the Valley” in the last decade, and Ivan’s email was a nice peek into the culture driving the company. More like this, please.