I loved The Interview with Will Ferrell and Harper Steele, about their friendship, their upcoming road trip documentary, Steeleā€™s transition, and their collaboration at SNL:

Ferrell: My last year on the show, we would have blue notecards of sketch ideas and itā€™d be like: ā€œHarper, you have to write a sketch called ā€˜Taco Time.ā€™ Go!ā€

Steele: Youā€™re forgetting a key element that speaks to this perfectly. ā€œTaco Timeā€ is a perfect example, or ā€œUnicorn Mountain.ā€ I would write the first half and then hand it to Will. So I donā€™t know what heā€™s gonna do with the sketch. It was always a left turn.

Ferrell: ā€œUnicorn Mountainā€ was a song that led off the sketch and it basically set the premise of being a childrenā€™s show. Itā€™s Unicorn Mountain where unicorns live in unity and harmony and they bring joy and theyā€™re magical and theyā€™re fun and letā€™s all go to Unicorn Mountain. Then we open on myself and Tracy Morgan and ā€” this is Harperā€™s half ā€” weā€™re eating a unicorn. Weā€™re talking about how delicious the unicorn was and how easy it was to trap it and kill it because it was so benevolent and sweet and kind and I felt a little bad when we killed it but god this is good unicorn.