these aren't the pears you're looking for

Sometimes, crowds aren’t so wise.  Case in point,, which is learning from what other people have written to make tag recommendations on user-supplied content.  It works if you’re writing about things that geeks are writing about…but that’s about it. 

Case in point. Input:  “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me a partridge in a pear tree.”  Output:  “php programming pear.”  I’m not necessarily knocking the concept or the implementation – other than to note that this will have limited utility until there’s a broader corpus of tagged content.  And tags today are the realm of early adopters…like people who have a high likelihood of using the words “pear” and “php” near each other.  Will be interesting to track this over time…six months from now (and after a holiday tagging season), has the output for that pear-tree situated partridge changed?