January 31, 2006

fifty year target

Everyone will of course be talking about the Google “miss.”  Looking beyond the schadenfreude for a second, what’s still really astounding is the lack of consensus on the street about where the goog’s headed.  Here’s the last sentence of the story from today.reuters.com:

Target prices on the stock vary between $225 and $600. Twenty-nine analysts have some sort of “buy” rating. Six have a “hold” rating. Three recommend investors “sell” Google shares.

Was in Disneyland weekend before last with my family and my younger brother.  Disneyland is celebrating its 50th anniversary; and they’ve had plenty of time to get an awful lot of things right about the park.  This led to a post-Autopia question of “What’s Google in 50 years?”  (Interesting to note that 50 years is roughly two orders of magnitude out from a near term price target.)

(Won’t please someone tag me with that “four questions” thing so I can do something other than think about Google in 50 years?  Anil today, over lunch:  “Sippey? Does he still have a blog?”)