breaking the logjam

It's been a busy couple of weeks; all appearances on this blog to the contrary. At SAY Media (where I head up our Artist Development efforts) we launched a new project:  The SAY 100. There's an (overlong) post about it (and a video!) on the site's about page if you want to learn more. But here's the short story:  (a) we believe in strong voices, (b) we believe curation is a good thing, and (c) the best way to demonstrate those beliefs is to show who and what we're talking about. Huge kudos to the whole team at SAY that put the site together, and I had a blast working with the curators (Clay! Seth! Amanda! Jeff! Jane! and more!) who picked some incredible people. We threw a big party in New York this week to celebrate; thanks to everyone who came out.

Also, during the midst of the madness last week I made a quick xtranormal video of an imaginary debate between Jason Kottke and David Galbraith about the merits of The Hangover. Jason blogged the whole backstory.

OK, enough about me. You've seen the placekitten thing, right? Love it.